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Kotak Education Foundation

KEF Observes World Food Day

Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together. - This was the theme for ‘World Food Day’ (16th October) this year, which was duly observed by KEF.

On this day, KEF circulated a message to the students to take a pledge for sustaining good health and adapting to good eating habits throughout the year. The need for consuming healthy and nutritious food is all the more important now, as it's important to maintain strong immunity during the pandemic.

We are happy to observe that our students didn’t consume any sort of junk during these times. Students and parents also participated in the ‘Nutrition Tiranga Plate’ contest, wherein they prepared a balanced diet meal with required food nutrients like pulses, vegetables, cereals, all arranged in the color sequence as our national flag and clicked a picture of the same and sent us.

This was coupled with awareness sessions conducted for our beneficiaries that stressed on the importance of food as the very essence of our lives. A total of 649 students were reached out through this activity together with the awareness session.

We hope that our beneficiaries fulfil their pledge and take action towards healthy food intake that would in turn lead to their healthy mind, body and soul.

Events at a Glance